Monday, October 12, 2009

New Pics

Here are some random pictures to update everyone. Ignore the dates on the pictures. Derrick's Camera has the date wrong in it and I just realized it today.
These two pictures are from today at our complex just walking around. Avarie climbed on the rocks and was having fun.

This was a picture of Avarie a few days ago when she wanted to take the dog for a walk. She was being silly as you can probably tell.
This is a picture of Avarie and Derrick during conference. They both aparently were really tired that day. It was cute!!
Avarie fell asleep in her daddy's arms this day at the hotel. It was just really cute. She was so excited when he came home from doing everything on base that day.

This is Avarie playing and being cute at the playground they provided at the hotel we were staying at. She was having a lot of fun.
This is another picture of Derrick in his uniform.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Great pics! Just one question. Where was Dirk's binkee in the picture of him and Avarie sleeping on the couch? I didn't know he could sleep without it... Good for him! Ha ha ha!