Tuesday, August 16, 2011

McArthur Family

Here are some pictures from the McArthur's trip to visit San Antonio

Reading with grandma Swimming with grandpa
Zoo Trip

Seaworld Visit

splash pad

Shamu show

Azul show

Derricks Parents came to visit for a week recently and like a dork I forgot to get out my camera, but it was a wonderful visit. We were able to see lots of sights and have a great time with them here despite the suffocating heat. We went to seaworld, the zoo, Cabelas and the outlets, the pool. It was so great to have them here with us and be able to visit with them. We had a wonderful discussion about ancestry and because of this Derrick and I were able to find some of the birth records for my ancestors that were born in denmark. It was such a great experience. My kids are so blessed to have them as grandparents and examples! Hopefully I can get some pictures from Derrick's mom and attach them to this post later.

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