Sunday, June 12, 2011


Avarie is growing like crazy also. She is starting to learn to write letters and be able to tell you what letter it is. She loves primary and singing the songs there. She loves to draw, trying to write, and loves to read books.

This is a for that her and Derrick made in the playroom. It was her castle. Our sweet little Avarie. We are so blessed to have her in our lives (even when she is acting like a 3 year old ;) )

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh I love all of your posts. It looks like you are all having so much fun together. Your kids are getting so big. We are going to have to get together soon or I won't recognize them anymore. Has Derrick taken his test yet? Daniel just finished his yesterday and it is so wonderful. Tomorrow we are off on our camping trip. We will have to catch up soon.