Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2011

Here are some of our Easter adventures this year. On the Friday night before Easter we deceded to dye eggs. Avarie had a lot of fun with that. Excuse the hair and pajamas we went to the pool right before dying them.

Avarie with the colors and eggs Waiting very impatiently
On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt on base. It is a great hunt. They set out eggs that are empty and the kids go and get them. At the end they turn in the eggs for a bag of candy, therefore eliminating the competitive parents. I love it.
Avarie and Reid both had a lot of fun with it. I lost Avarie during hers because she just took off and the parents were supposed to stay back.

Avarie out in the field "hunting" for eggs

Cute picture of Reid before his age groups hunt

Avarie and her loot

Reid before his hunt getting his basket ready

Reid excited about the eggs he got

Showing everyone he could find that he got eggs

Eating the candy Oh Yeah!!

On Sunday morning we did the easter baskets

Avarie looking for hers

Reid had just found his. he was so excited he grabbed his stomache and squeeled

Avarie is her Easter dress ready for church

Avarie's hairdo

Ready for church

Cute little family

Cute little family again

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and everyone is doing well!!!

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