Saturday, July 17, 2010

4th of July

Here are some Pictures of our 4th of July. We had a fun day!! Here is just a good shot of the bows I made her to be festive for the 4th.
Avarie Waiting for the parade to start. Apparently her bucket made a good seat!

Avarie Waving at the people in the parade.

Avarie waving again.

Derrick and Reido waiting for the parade to start.

Avarie was so excited for the parade that she ran up and gave Derrick a hug.

This was at our wards breakfast that morning and Reido crashed. It was really cute.

Avarie being goofy.

Avarie found a friend to play with at the breakfast.


Haley and Cameron Roberts said...

I love the hair bows!!!! they are so cute! you will have to teach me your crafty ways!

Avarie, Reid and their parents said...

I can help you anytime with that kind of stuff! It is way to much fun!