Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 months old

Reid in the past 2 weeks has hit 4 months old. He got his first hair cut.
Before hair cutAfter hair cut
He also had his first solid food and thought it was a little weird at first

At his Doctors appointment he was 27.1 inches long (95th percentile) and weight 16 lbs
1.8 oz.
Reid is now rolling from stomach to back consistently and loves to growl. He and daddy playing a game where they growl at each other. It is hilarous and both have lots of fun. Reid also loves to laugh and gabber. He is making noises almost all day. It is so cute!!


Haley and Cameron Roberts said...

HE is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! And he look so much like your hubby! You look great as well!

Avarie, Reid and their parents said...

Thank you so much Haley! You are so sweet! I cant wait for you and Cameron to have your little one!