Tuesday, February 23, 2010

1 Month Old and Silly Girl

Reid is one month old as of yesterday. Here are some newer pictures of him. He is so adorable! He is holding his head up pretty well and holding it there for a shorter period of time. He has gained a ton of weight, I think, he now has a double chin and is getting rolls on his legs. He has grown too. He is starting to grow out of his 0-3 month clothing. When he straightens his legs in sleepers especially he cant fully get them extended. He has started smiling at us some this past week. He loves to just watch thing and be held by me ( he is partial to his mommy). He isn't sleeping through the night yet but is only getting up once at 2-3 am and then going right back to sleep and will sleep until 6:30 or 7 am. He has been such a joy to have in our lives. We have loved having this sweet little boy!

Avarie is growing like a weed. She is still in 3 T sizes at 2 years old. Derrick used whatever the equation is for a 2 year old and if it is right she might be over 6 feet tall. She is talking non stop and still saying new words every day. I love having her around. The pictures of her are her dressing up like a bride. We watched Pricess Diaries II the other day and at the end Ann Hathaway is wearing a wedding dress. She decided she wanted to wear one and she found one of my white skirts and put it on. She had put her arm through the little ribbon things they put in the sides of skirts so you can keep them on a hanger and then brought me a crocheted table topper thing to put on her head. It was really funny. Then she wanted to dance with her daddy. which is the first picture.


Chris said...


Karla said...

I just want to squeeze her and give her a kiss! Grandma's pretty girl that's for sure. :)

Karla said...

Reid is looking more like his daddy! I can't believe it's been a month since I first saw him.