Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Avarie was pebbles for halloween this year. She had more fun that Derrick and I though she would. After she figured out the candy thing she would not let go of her bucket or her suckers (she loves suckers). At the last house they went to she got a sucker and as they put it in her bucket she went "oooohhh" and started kicking. here are some pictures of her during and after trick or treating.

Avarie's Death grip on her bucketAvarie's Costume
Daddy trying to take her bucket away

A close up of avaries death grip.


Tara Hobbs said...

So cute! It's funny how quickly they figure it out. :)

Chris said...

Man she is getting big! In a few more months she'll be able to beat up her dad; if she can't already...ha ha! Great pictures!

Unknown said...

We really need pictures of her as pebbles and me in my Fred costume!