We are here kind of. We arrived a few days ago, but cannot move into our apartment until Oct. 7th. We are in a hotel until then. Today we went to the river walk and avaried loved that. She had so much fun watching the ducks, pidgeons, and the river boats. She kept wanting to ride the boat or get into the water. It was a pretty place though. We also went to the disney store and Avarie got a Cinderella dress and glass slippers because we did not have one fit or even crying the whole drive down here. When we got back to the hotel room she had to put on the dress and the shoes and the had to dance with her prince (daddy). She was twirling and kept looking at herself in the mirror and laughing it was really cute. I have some pictures, but our cords for a our cameras are in storage waiting for our apartment to be ready. I will post some pics later when we have the cords.
Derrick will be reporting on Monday officially. He had his active duty swearing in yesterday which was fun to watch and meet some of the other students that will be in the program with him. We are so proud of him and his abilities. sorry for the long post but I thought I would catch up a little bit.