Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Trip through King William's district

The first part of January my wonderful friend Charly took me and the kids for a drive around the King William's District in downt town San Antonio. It was the area of San Antonio in the 1800s that was fashionable and where the well to do settled. Some of the homes have plaques outside to tell you about the homes history. A lot of the home were either being restored or were beautifully restored. It was such a fun trip and the architecture of the home is what I have always loved!

This was not one of the homes that was restored and as you can see it is leaning horribly toward the back of the house. The worst part about it is that people lived there. It was a little scary and sad that this once beautiful home is so run down. Loved to porch on this one, not a fan of the color, but to each his own.

gorgeous porch

One of the smaller but really cool homes

Loved the curved railing that leads up to the door

This was my absolute favorite home there. It was so beautiful. This picture does not do it justice!!!! If you look close you will see a large cement block out at the edge of the side walk. These blocks were used when the person would ride up on their horse. This horses were of course tall so these blocks would be used as a step to dismount the horse. I thought it was so interesting that some of the home owners had left these in.

This home still had the origional carriage house. You can see part of the house on the left of the picture and the carriage house is set back a little.

Sorry this one is a bit blurry, but we were driving around and I am not the best photographer :)

You can see a plaque on the fence on this one

This one was gorgeous too!! I loved the arch ways

Loved the entry on this one and the picture doesn't show the detail in the doors very well, but the doors were so pretty

Simple yet very eligant

Loved the curved porch on this one!

Sorry for so many pictures but the old southern style homes have always been a love of mine and if I could buy or beuild my dream home it would be in this style ( maybe not as big though. too much to clean ha ha).

1 comment:

Charly said...

That was a fun afternoon. =)