Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Overload

I have made a goal to keep up with my blog better so there are no more six posts in one day. Here is the rest of our Christmas season. It has been a fun one. The kids are at a fun age and really understand what is going on.

First Derrick, my very sweet husband, knew how much I hated our old tree because it was falling apart and was a 15 dollar walmart special that we bought about 6 years ago. Well he bought me a new one this year. It was a great deal! it is 9 feet tall, but can also be shortened to seven foot if needed. It is such a beautiful tree! I love it! Christmas pajamas
Everyone in the PJs

This is what Santa left

Santa also tracked snow into our house from another area.

Avarie has been asking for snow so this was what Santa brought her

Christmas Morning

off to church

a little better lighting on this one. They are so adorable and getting way to big!

after church opening presents

Reid running away from the dog with one of her toys

Reid playing with our dog

Yes this is my prissy daughter who has wanted a pink gun for about 6 months or so now. She talks about getting her pink gun and going with daddy and grandpa Kent to go shoot the deers and the birds with them. Not sure how I feel about this. ha ha. Granpa Kent found her this toy pink gun and she loves it!

practicing her target shooting with her princess and the frog figurines lined up on a board

Daddy Reido time reading a book


Charly said...

Haha! I LOOOOVE the target practicing pictures!!!

Tori said...

I find it ridiculously hilarious that your daughter shoots at princesses... :) just don't tell my girls or they will probably cry. hahaha