Friday, May 7, 2010

3 Months Old and Potty Training

We have hit 3 months with Reid! He is still growing like a weed. He is laughing and smiling. It is so cute if we start singing twinkle twinkle little star he starts giggling. He jabbers and make tons of noises and is such a sweety. In the morning you only know he is awake because he is in there his room babbling to himself. He is such a sweet little blessing in our lives.

Avarie is growing also. She has been potty training which is a little interesting but we are getting the hang of things and doing better. She is not not having pee accidents for the most part, but the other one we are still struggling with. Any suggestions out there to help with #2 issues? Avarie is loving her brother and loves to help change his diaper and give him a bath. She is such a good big sister and a helpful sweet girl.

Below and above are some picture of Avarie and Reid.

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