Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Derrick today. I am stuck at work, but luckily I will be able to go home in a few hours due to some life saving person who is coming in to work the second half of my shift so I can be with him on his birthday and spoil him rotten. I love doing that to my baby and my hubby. Anyways happy Birthday and I love you so much honey!!!

Last friday was also Derrick graduation from Weber state. He was so excited. we went to graduation and then grilled hamburgers with the family outside. It was a lot of fun. Congrats Derrick. I will post some pictures when I get some from family members because I forgot my camera.


EricksonFamilly said...

Your little one is getting so big. Happy late Birthday and congrats to Derrick!!!!
So When are you guys moving? Have you sold your house?

Avarie, Reid and their parents said...

We are moving probably in mid september, but we are not sure yet. Derrick has not gotten his official orders yet.