Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blowing on food

This past Sunday we were eating dinner and I had given avarie some green beans and had blown on them because they were warm. Avarie then had a bean in her hand and was doing something weird with her mouth and kind of spitting on it. I then gave her another bean blowing on it first to cool it off. Avarie then took the bean and then she did the thing with her mouth again. We finally figured out what she was doing. She was mimmicking me and blowing on her food. Maybe it is only funny to a mother and father but we thought it was really funny.

Monday we were at my parent's house for my sister Dayna's Birthday, Happy birthday Dayna, and Avarie did the same thing after Dayna had blown out the candles.


Chris said...

You better teach her to like jello because that's one bad habit a self respecting person should never learn!!!

Avarie, Reid and their parents said...

She already does chris

Chris said...

Atta girl! It looks like I'll be buying her a Christmas gift after all...ha ha